Modern political theology (Keith Woods)
I see mainstream political division as a dispute about the best way to prevent the Holocaust which is the founding mythos of the whole system.
The progressive left think the best way is to use the state to force multiculturalism on host nations and make organisation on ethnic lines impossible.
The right also want this but think the more important priority is to weaken the sovereign and focus on deracination and handing power to finance capitalists who are too powerful to be subject to the sovereign
Then you have extreme ends like ancaps (anarcho-capitalists) and anarchist leftists that both think the best way to prevent the worst crime ever is to make people totally colorblind and derive a perfect utopian system where no one will ever have a reason to be racist (anarchists) or to collectivise (lolberts).
So imagine the left to right spectrum as a spectrum with "racism caused the Holocaust" on the furthest left end and "collectivism caused the Holocaust" on the furthest right.
Then note that the philosophers of the far left end are people like Chomsky and Emma Goldman. The far right is people like Rothbard and Friedman. Karl Popper is essentially the philosopher of the centre, centre right and left, and his philosophy is all about stopping Nazis.
The transcendent that maintains the sacrality of this compass is the evil figure of Hitler and the memory of the Gates of Auschwitz. Holocaust remembrance days are becoming so common they resemble saints days in the Catholic calendar. From the youngest age you can remember, you saw Hitler as the archetype of pure evil. The Holocaust is the only genocide that was real. Others happened as historical events but the Holocaust was uniquely real. You don't understand why but somehow it makes sense. And the lesson is that it must never happen again!
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