Slaves of the state (à relire)
Absolutely true. People cannot imagine that in France. They are slaves of the State. They cannot imagine that their masters want them dead
They keep believing they are incompetent
And we know better. They are far from incompetent. They know, exactly, what they are doing.
S.B.D.C., [04.05.20 23:26]
KL0V1S Gallia Daily, [04.05.20 23:30]
[In reply to sn]
sn, [04.05.20 23:34]
Our advantage is that the State is failing. Totally bloated due to mass immigration and the ideological anarchy
Victor Von Doom🇨🇵, [04.05.20 23:35]
[In reply to sn]
Not exactly. What we are seeing is damage control.
sn, [04.05.20 23:34]
Our advantage is that the State is failing. Totally bloated due to mass immigration and the ideological anarchy
Victor Von Doom🇨🇵, [04.05.20 23:35]
[In reply to sn]
Not exactly. What we are seeing is damage control.
KL0V1S Gallia Daily, [04.05.20 23:39]
[In reply to Victor Von Doom🇨🇵]
The state is surely in a damage control phase right now.
But as @sn1488 , I definitely think that the state lost its power during this crisis.
The French state is not organic as the German one or the British one.
The French state is solely built around :
(1) Welfare benefits
(2) Abstract values
They already sacrificed their values of equality and tolerance to ensure the survival of the welfare state.
So basically now the welfare state is the only thing tying up France together
And welfare benefits = money.
No money = no benefits = no state control on the population = no France
Aleksandras Romanavičius, [04.05.20 23:40]
no baguette
sn, [04.05.20 23:40]
sn, [04.05.20 23:40]
Macron will hang
sn, [04.05.20 23:41]
They have chosen this psychopath to go all the way
sn, [04.05.20 23:42]
I still wonder what kind of stuff they have on him. Homosexual orgies with niggers sodomizing him ?
sn, [04.05.20 23:42]
He has a fascination for Africans
M.W, [04.05.20 23:42]
[In reply to KL0V1S Gallia Daily]
What happened in 1488 ?
sn, [04.05.20 23:45]
[In reply to M.W]
He prefers them in his ass
sn, [04.05.20 23:46]
Even some Africans in France have made videos about this.
KL0V1S Gallia Daily, [04.05.20 23:47]
[In reply to M.W]
What do you mean ?
M.W, [04.05.20 23:47]
[In reply to KL0V1S Gallia Daily]
I thoughf it was a historical year
M.W, [04.05.20 23:49]
[In reply to M.W]
@sn1488 @KL0VIS
Victor Von Doom🇨🇵, [04.05.20 23:50]
[In reply to KL0V1S Gallia Daily]
They will just print money, for the migrants, while the locals will end up homeless. Next thing will be "you wanna work? Get the vaccine", and we all know where it's going, from there.
KL0V1S Gallia Daily, [04.05.20 23:51]
[In reply to M.W]
Maybe we are after all
sn, [04.05.20 23:45]
[In reply to M.W]
He prefers them in his ass
sn, [04.05.20 23:46]
Even some Africans in France have made videos about this.
M.W, [04.05.20 23:47]
[In reply to sn]
[ GIF ]
KL0V1S Gallia Daily, [04.05.20 23:47]
[In reply to M.W]
What do you mean ?
M.W, [04.05.20 23:47]
[In reply to KL0V1S Gallia Daily]
I thoughf it was a historical year
M.W, [04.05.20 23:49]
[In reply to M.W]
@sn1488 @KL0VIS
Victor Von Doom🇨🇵, [04.05.20 23:50]
[In reply to KL0V1S Gallia Daily]
They will just print money, for the migrants, while the locals will end up homeless. Next thing will be "you wanna work? Get the vaccine", and we all know where it's going, from there.
KL0V1S Gallia Daily, [04.05.20 23:51]
[In reply to M.W]
Maybe we are after all
You can't just print money endlessly. Money have to be injected in the real economy.
Plus, it's not enough. The state may print money, but France is tied by the Eurozone. And they will not let us screw things.
Last but not least, the French state is rotten by civil servants and an obese administration.
Half of France depends on tourism. The other half depends of civil-servants jobs. So paid by the state. So paid by taxes
It means, the state needs taxes to pay its civil servants.
And you can't tax poor people or migrants
That's why they need productive ethnic-frenchies to be there. To pay for the state.
sn, [05.05.20 00:00]
Boomer death is good. It means that thr globalists are dead too
sn, [05.05.20 00:01]
The Jewish dream is over.
KL0V1S Gallia Daily, [05.05.20 00:01]
[In reply to FRANCISCVS]
To "prop up the state" ? What do you mean ?
sn, [05.05.20 00:02]
They wouldnt to go dictatorship mode otherwise. Dont forget USSR ended. ZOG will die off also. Lets make deals with Russian and Chinese
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:02]
[In reply to KL0V1S Gallia Daily]
Most administrative offices whether high or mid-level are held by boomers.
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:02]
Russia and China won't last much longer either
KL0V1S Gallia Daily, [05.05.20 00:02]
[In reply to FRANCISCVS]
Boomers or women yes
Victor Von Doom🇨🇵, [05.05.20 00:02]
[In reply to KL0V1S Gallia Daily]
They don't just print it out of tin air. They borrow from the federal reserve. Next, the taxes will be used to pay back, till they find the way to bring the cashless society
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:03]
[In reply to KL0V1S Gallia Daily]
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:03]
[In reply to FRANCISCVS]
Russia will ethnically balkanise and China is just too fake to survive.
sn, [05.05.20 00:03]
[In reply to FRANCISCVS]
China is on the rise
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:04]
Paper tiger
sn, [05.05.20 00:04]
You still dont see the power exchange?
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:04]
Nothing they can gain will be permanent
sn, [05.05.20 00:04]
US empire is over
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:04]
Only whites are capable of worlders ordering
sn, [05.05.20 00:04]
[In reply to FRANCISCVS]
You are clueless. Chinese invented wheel boats way before us
Victor Von Doom🇨🇵, [05.05.20 00:04]
[In reply to sn]
No longer necessary.
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:04]
[In reply to sn]
The U.S. will fall, China will fall, Russia will fall, the EU will fall, Turkey will fall. All within the next 15 years
sn, [05.05.20 00:05]
If only you knew. We brought back powder from China. Marco Polo ?
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:05]
[In reply to sn]
That's far different from what we innovated afterwards
sn, [05.05.20 00:05]
Read Rushton
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:05]
[In reply to sn]
We independently developed the powder utilised in firearms
sn, [05.05.20 00:05]
White race has a lower IQ than Yellow
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:05]
[In reply to sn]
LOL, false.
sn, [05.05.20 00:06]
Rushton writes it though
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:06]
I don't care
sn, [05.05.20 00:06]
He must be a fake scientist
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:06]
Science isn't about truth. It's about models
sn, [05.05.20 00:06]
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:06]
It's not mathematics
KL0V1S Gallia Daily, [05.05.20 00:07]
[In reply to FRANCISCVS]
But they are a net negative however.
Boomers are a dead weight on French society.
I don't care about the fact they are a weight. But about the fact they are a *dead* one.
They cost us A LOT of money. I don't know how it is in the US. But French boomers cost us a lot. Retirement pension. Benefits. Medical help. Etc.
Because, you named it, they ALL worked as civil servants during the 1970s. Mostly as teachers. Administrative agents. Etc.
And they have a retirement equal to the 1970s rate. Insane one.
I know some boomer, former high school teacher. He gets 2700/month friend. Same for his wife, former school teacher too. No tax on it for course.
They are a dead weight. And are voting badly.
When the boomer generation will disappear, we will of course lost any demographic possibility of electoral victory, but we will be free of a big economic weight.
CтaZ, [05.05.20 00:07]
[In reply to sn]
Asians only pass math tests well, so we decided to make Einsteins out of them
sn, [05.05.20 00:07]
IQ is a pretty good measurement
sn, [05.05.20 00:07]
[In reply to KL0V1S Gallia Daily]
This virus is a joke. No economy and no dead boomers.... greaaaaat
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:09]
[In reply to KL0V1S Gallia Daily]
It will be a crazy situation because they're also the majority of property owners and still administrative managers. These guys had the last 40 years to be influential and well-set in life. After they die everyone will scramble for their offices and property.
KL0V1S Gallia Daily, [05.05.20 00:09]
[In reply to sn]
Yes it is. The virus is real. But the political/media frame created around it is just ridiculously exaggerated.
sn, [05.05.20 00:09]
[In reply to KL0V1S Gallia Daily]
Its a flu
Yes it is
KL0V1S Gallia Daily, [05.05.20 00:09]
[In reply to FRANCISCVS]
Yes, I don't know the word in English, but it will "redistribute the cards". Like in a card game.
-> reboot
sn, [05.05.20 00:10]
[In reply to FRANCISCVS]
Arent you the guy calling for the lockdown here ?
Absolutely true. People cannot imagine that in France. They are slaves of the State. They cannot imagine that their masters want them dead
They keep believing they are incompetent
And we know better. They are far from incompetent. They know, exactly, what they are doing.
S.B.D.C., [04.05.20 23:26]
KL0V1S Gallia Daily, [04.05.20 23:30]
[In reply to sn]
sn, [04.05.20 23:34]
Our advantage is that the State is failing. Totally bloated due to mass immigration and the ideological anarchy
Victor Von Doom🇨🇵, [04.05.20 23:35]
[In reply to sn]
Not exactly. What we are seeing is damage control.
sn, [04.05.20 23:34]
Our advantage is that the State is failing. Totally bloated due to mass immigration and the ideological anarchy
Victor Von Doom🇨🇵, [04.05.20 23:35]
[In reply to sn]
Not exactly. What we are seeing is damage control.
KL0V1S Gallia Daily, [04.05.20 23:39]
[In reply to Victor Von Doom🇨🇵]
The state is surely in a damage control phase right now.
But as @sn1488 , I definitely think that the state lost its power during this crisis.
The French state is not organic as the German one or the British one.
The French state is solely built around :
(1) Welfare benefits
(2) Abstract values
They already sacrificed their values of equality and tolerance to ensure the survival of the welfare state.
So basically now the welfare state is the only thing tying up France together
And welfare benefits = money.
No money = no benefits = no state control on the population = no France
Aleksandras Romanavičius, [04.05.20 23:40]
no baguette
sn, [04.05.20 23:40]
sn, [04.05.20 23:40]
Macron will hang
sn, [04.05.20 23:41]
They have chosen this psychopath to go all the way
sn, [04.05.20 23:42]
I still wonder what kind of stuff they have on him. Homosexual orgies with niggers sodomizing him ?
sn, [04.05.20 23:42]
He has a fascination for Africans
M.W, [04.05.20 23:42]
[In reply to KL0V1S Gallia Daily]
What happened in 1488 ?
sn, [04.05.20 23:45]
[In reply to M.W]
He prefers them in his ass
sn, [04.05.20 23:46]
Even some Africans in France have made videos about this.
KL0V1S Gallia Daily, [04.05.20 23:47]
[In reply to M.W]
What do you mean ?
M.W, [04.05.20 23:47]
[In reply to KL0V1S Gallia Daily]
I thoughf it was a historical year
M.W, [04.05.20 23:49]
[In reply to M.W]
@sn1488 @KL0VIS
Victor Von Doom🇨🇵, [04.05.20 23:50]
[In reply to KL0V1S Gallia Daily]
They will just print money, for the migrants, while the locals will end up homeless. Next thing will be "you wanna work? Get the vaccine", and we all know where it's going, from there.
KL0V1S Gallia Daily, [04.05.20 23:51]
[In reply to M.W]
Maybe we are after all
sn, [04.05.20 23:45]
[In reply to M.W]
He prefers them in his ass
sn, [04.05.20 23:46]
Even some Africans in France have made videos about this.
M.W, [04.05.20 23:47]
[In reply to sn]
[ GIF ]
KL0V1S Gallia Daily, [04.05.20 23:47]
[In reply to M.W]
What do you mean ?
M.W, [04.05.20 23:47]
[In reply to KL0V1S Gallia Daily]
I thoughf it was a historical year
M.W, [04.05.20 23:49]
[In reply to M.W]
@sn1488 @KL0VIS
Victor Von Doom🇨🇵, [04.05.20 23:50]
[In reply to KL0V1S Gallia Daily]
They will just print money, for the migrants, while the locals will end up homeless. Next thing will be "you wanna work? Get the vaccine", and we all know where it's going, from there.
KL0V1S Gallia Daily, [04.05.20 23:51]
[In reply to M.W]
Maybe we are after all
You can't just print money endlessly. Money have to be injected in the real economy.
Plus, it's not enough. The state may print money, but France is tied by the Eurozone. And they will not let us screw things.
Last but not least, the French state is rotten by civil servants and an obese administration.
Half of France depends on tourism. The other half depends of civil-servants jobs. So paid by the state. So paid by taxes
It means, the state needs taxes to pay its civil servants.
And you can't tax poor people or migrants
That's why they need productive ethnic-frenchies to be there. To pay for the state.
sn, [05.05.20 00:00]
Boomer death is good. It means that thr globalists are dead too
sn, [05.05.20 00:01]
The Jewish dream is over.
KL0V1S Gallia Daily, [05.05.20 00:01]
[In reply to FRANCISCVS]
To "prop up the state" ? What do you mean ?
sn, [05.05.20 00:02]
They wouldnt to go dictatorship mode otherwise. Dont forget USSR ended. ZOG will die off also. Lets make deals with Russian and Chinese
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:02]
[In reply to KL0V1S Gallia Daily]
Most administrative offices whether high or mid-level are held by boomers.
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:02]
Russia and China won't last much longer either
KL0V1S Gallia Daily, [05.05.20 00:02]
[In reply to FRANCISCVS]
Boomers or women yes
Victor Von Doom🇨🇵, [05.05.20 00:02]
[In reply to KL0V1S Gallia Daily]
They don't just print it out of tin air. They borrow from the federal reserve. Next, the taxes will be used to pay back, till they find the way to bring the cashless society
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:03]
[In reply to KL0V1S Gallia Daily]
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:03]
[In reply to FRANCISCVS]
Russia will ethnically balkanise and China is just too fake to survive.
sn, [05.05.20 00:03]
[In reply to FRANCISCVS]
China is on the rise
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:04]
Paper tiger
sn, [05.05.20 00:04]
You still dont see the power exchange?
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:04]
Nothing they can gain will be permanent
sn, [05.05.20 00:04]
US empire is over
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:04]
Only whites are capable of worlders ordering
sn, [05.05.20 00:04]
[In reply to FRANCISCVS]
You are clueless. Chinese invented wheel boats way before us
Victor Von Doom🇨🇵, [05.05.20 00:04]
[In reply to sn]
No longer necessary.
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:04]
[In reply to sn]
The U.S. will fall, China will fall, Russia will fall, the EU will fall, Turkey will fall. All within the next 15 years
sn, [05.05.20 00:05]
If only you knew. We brought back powder from China. Marco Polo ?
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:05]
[In reply to sn]
That's far different from what we innovated afterwards
sn, [05.05.20 00:05]
Read Rushton
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:05]
[In reply to sn]
We independently developed the powder utilised in firearms
sn, [05.05.20 00:05]
White race has a lower IQ than Yellow
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:05]
[In reply to sn]
LOL, false.
sn, [05.05.20 00:06]
Rushton writes it though
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:06]
I don't care
sn, [05.05.20 00:06]
He must be a fake scientist
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:06]
Science isn't about truth. It's about models
sn, [05.05.20 00:06]
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:06]
It's not mathematics
KL0V1S Gallia Daily, [05.05.20 00:07]
[In reply to FRANCISCVS]
But they are a net negative however.
Boomers are a dead weight on French society.
I don't care about the fact they are a weight. But about the fact they are a *dead* one.
They cost us A LOT of money. I don't know how it is in the US. But French boomers cost us a lot. Retirement pension. Benefits. Medical help. Etc.
Because, you named it, they ALL worked as civil servants during the 1970s. Mostly as teachers. Administrative agents. Etc.
And they have a retirement equal to the 1970s rate. Insane one.
I know some boomer, former high school teacher. He gets 2700/month friend. Same for his wife, former school teacher too. No tax on it for course.
They are a dead weight. And are voting badly.
When the boomer generation will disappear, we will of course lost any demographic possibility of electoral victory, but we will be free of a big economic weight.
CтaZ, [05.05.20 00:07]
[In reply to sn]
Asians only pass math tests well, so we decided to make Einsteins out of them
sn, [05.05.20 00:07]
IQ is a pretty good measurement
sn, [05.05.20 00:07]
[In reply to KL0V1S Gallia Daily]
This virus is a joke. No economy and no dead boomers.... greaaaaat
FRANCISCVS, [05.05.20 00:09]
[In reply to KL0V1S Gallia Daily]
It will be a crazy situation because they're also the majority of property owners and still administrative managers. These guys had the last 40 years to be influential and well-set in life. After they die everyone will scramble for their offices and property.
KL0V1S Gallia Daily, [05.05.20 00:09]
[In reply to sn]
Yes it is. The virus is real. But the political/media frame created around it is just ridiculously exaggerated.
sn, [05.05.20 00:09]
[In reply to KL0V1S Gallia Daily]
Its a flu
Yes it is
KL0V1S Gallia Daily, [05.05.20 00:09]
[In reply to FRANCISCVS]
Yes, I don't know the word in English, but it will "redistribute the cards". Like in a card game.
-> reboot
sn, [05.05.20 00:10]
[In reply to FRANCISCVS]
Arent you the guy calling for the lockdown here ?
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