White Apocalypse
The best book written in 2010. A fictional story that is immersed with non-fiction, history, evidence, facts, and quotes that all weave together into a great story. Finally someone has written a book that is on the same level as Harold A. Covington's Northwest series.
The Overwhelming majority of people believe that what most now call "Native American Indians" were the first people to settle in America. Well this is not the case, and this book proves it with more than enough evidence. Columbus was not the first European to discover America, and neither was the Viking Leif Erickson, 500 years before the latter. Many ancient remains and artifacts of Aryan people have been found that pre-date the Indians proving White people roamed the lands of America far before the Indians. Now the scary part is that there are laws that allow Indians to take any findings of ancient White remains that prove this and destroy the evidence. Let me say that again. Indians are allowed to destroy or re-bury in unknown locations all of the evidence that proves Aryans are the true natives. This group is called NAGPRA which stands for Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act which was passed in 1990. This is something a lot more people need to know, and this is a book all White people need to read.
Notes & Quotes:
Signed copy available on Kyle Bristow's website:
Solutrean Theory
"Formerly no one was allowed to think freely; now it is permitted, but no one is capable of it any more. Now people want to think only what they are supposed to think, and this they consider freedom." - Oswald Spengler (The Decline of the West, 1926 A.D.)
"The Institute for American Historical Studies and some well-known archeologists have suggested that it is possible that people of the Caucasoid race made it to the Americas thousands of years before Leif Erikson and the Norse did in the eleventh century or Christopher Columbus did in the fifteenth."
"...Amerindians who came to North America from Asia by crossing the Bering Strait during the last ice age..."
"Leif Erikson, a Viking, was one European who came to North America long before Columbus did, and Erikson did so in around 1000 A.D. - we know this because the Icelandic peoples wrote of this epic journey in their sagas and we have found an actual Norse settlement in Newfoundland, Canada. The Vikings called the area 'Vinland' because of the large quantity of wild grapes growing in the areas they visited. 'Vinland' literally means 'Wine Land.' According to the Icelandic sagas, the Norse settlers were persecuted by the Amerindians - whom the Norse called 'Skraelings' - to the point where the Norse were driven from the land,"
*Pg14 & 15 - lots of info on white skeletal remains and artifacts that predate the Amerindians.
"...when a John Doe skeleton is found, forensic scientists are able to figure out the race of the person by analyzing the skull, what sex the person was by analyzing the shape of the hip, and what the age of the person was at the time of their death by analyzing factors such as skeletal development and bone density. The age of an ancient skeleton can be determined by radiocarbon dating." - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 15)
"In 1998 A.D., Theodore Schurr, a molecular anthropologist, found in his study that Amerindians have a gene found in their mitochodrial DNA - which people inherit from their mother - that occurs in low frequencies. Europeans are the only other racial group that has this gene, and because modern Asians lack this gene, this genetic evidence implies that the prehistoric European peoples brought this gene with them to the New World and it found its way into the Amerindian populations by interracial reproduction." - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 17)
Book: Life Among the Paiutes by Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins (Indians exterminating red hairs)
"Red hair is unique to the European race and occurs when a person has two copies of a recessive gene on chromosome 16; this causes a mutation in the MC1R protein and produces not only red hair but pale skin, light eye colors - like shades of blue, green, and hazel - freckles, and makes a person relatively more sensitive to sunlight."
*Negative - use of the Zionist American flag, used in the cover art, and represents the fictional institutes logo.
NAGPRA - Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (1990)
Amerindian - American Indian
Kennewick Man (White, 9,500 yrs old, 1996, Washington) (Pg. 39-41 conspiracy cover up w USACE)
Mummified body (White, 9,400 yrs old, Nevada, 'Spirit Cave', 1940, found with diamond plaited matting - too technologically advanced for Amerindians)
Intricately woven sandals made of sagebrush (1938, Fork Rock Cave, 9,000 yrs old - vastly different from Amerindians)
Wizard Beach Man (Pyramid Lake, Nevada, 9,200 yrs old, White traits)
Peñon Woman III (2002, 13,000 yrs old, similar to prehistoric Whites, rediscovered in Mexico City's National Museum of Anthropology) The CNN article refuse to use the word 'White' and the articles from the telegraph UK did but is now gone.
Buhl Woman (Buhl, Idaho, 10,600 yrs old, nearly complete skeleton, 17-21 years old, 5'2" tall - no genetic testing because of NAGPRA, buried in secret location)
USACE - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
"remains as Native American when found within the United States would apply even to remains as old as 100,000 or 150,000 years, close to the dawn of Homo sapiens. Indeed the government at oral argument even said that if remains of a mythical first man and woman, an "Adam and Eve," were found in the United States, those remains would be "Native American" under the government's interpretation of NAGPRA." - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 43)
*Fossilized human bones (1915, Vero Beach, Florida) (buried in same layer of sediment associated with era of the Wisconsin glaciation period, 10,000 years ago. Image of a mammoth etched on a bone.) (DISAPPEARED before carbon dating invented) pg. 46
*Carbon-dating testing invented 1947
"...if humans migrated to the New World from the Orient by crossing the Bering Strait, then why is the oldest evidence of human habitation on the eastern coast? The answer to this question is that humans first migrated to the New World from Europe - this is why the oldest human settlements are on the eastern coast of the United States." - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 47)
"Who gives the police the authorization to deal with scum? Why does a badge on a person's chest make them so special? Why cannot our people rise up and properly deal with degenerates when it is beyond question that they are guilty of heinous crimes?" - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 51)
"The media makes a concerted effort to limit what news of which we see, hear, and read," - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 52)
"I purchased gold and silver coins. I eventually moved into this cabin, and whenever I need to buy something, I sell a couple coins for cash at a pawnshop. The coins retain their value and since I am not using credit cards, my whereabouts are not known to anyone." - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 52)
*This book mentions a ton of other books during the semi-fictional story, these are a few of them...
Book: The Battle that Stopped Rome
Book: The Might of the West by Lawrence R. Brown
Book: The Suicide of the West by James Burnham
Book: Thucydides' The History of the Peloponnesian War
Book: Dantes Divine Comedy
Book: The Origins of Races by Dr. Carleton Stevens Coon (1962)
Book: Race and Reason: A Yankee View by Carleton Putnam
"Liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide."
"...the tenets of liberalism - craving egalitarianism, adherence to moral relativism, acceptance of perversion, promotion of wealth redistribution, opposition to the natural law right of self-defense, and hatred of nationalism..." - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 61)
Ötzi the Iceman (5,000 yrs old, found between Austria and Italy, Ötz Valley, Europes oldest natural mummy. Bronze Axe, sophisticated clothes for that era, stomach contents show agriculture.)
"You know how in life you meet people you shouldn't fuck with? I'm one of those people."
"Not only did prehistoric whites travel to the Americas, but they also traveled to Africa, Asia, and India. In each of these locales, just as in the Americas, they were utterly destroyed by the non-whites."
Western China, Takla Makan Desert, white people lived there as recently as 1500 B.C., 1977 A.D. 3,500 year old remains, reddish blonde hair, round eyes, relatively long noses. (pg. 126-127) pants with human face drawings with blue eyes, over 1,000 bodies found, red Chinese gov ordered all scientific exploration ceased. It did.
Chinese folklore tells of people with white racial traits.
"An eye for an eye." - Hammurabi
(1763 B.C.)
"The genes that produce white racial features - white skin color, blond and red hair colors, blue and green eye colors - are recessive, which means that if a person has genes from a white parent and one from a non-white parent, their phenotype - their racial characteristics - will resemble the non-white parent more than it will the white parent. Non-white genes are dominant, and over time, the white genes in a population will completely disappear through intermarriages," - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 130)
Egyptians White, red and blonde hair drawings and mummies. Wiped out through diversity, Egyptians using non-whites for labor. King Tut White. Egyptian Gov hides DNA testing. Oldest and largest pyramid in Bosnia. Canary island pyramids. Pg. 131-135
More info: http://www.white-history.com/hwr6b.htm
COINTELPRO - acronym for Counter Intelligence Program. Unit under the FBI to infiltrate organizations. Illegal activities.
The MIAC Report - Missouri Information Analysis Center. Those who dislike the United Nations, the New World Order, gun control, the federal reserve, the IRS, the North American Union, abortion, and illegal immigration were considered 'high-priority threats' or 'domestic terrorists.'
Virginia, spearheads, 17,000 yrs old, same as European. Bifacial.
"In Aztec folklore, their god, Quetzalcoatl, had European features such as light colored hair, blue eyes, and a beard. According to their legends, this deity traveled from across the Atlantic Ocean and had taught the Amerindians how to farm corn and build structures - like pyramids," - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 165)
Thor Heyerdahl
Kensington Runestone
"Whenever a prehistoric skeleton is found in North America that is determined to have white racial features, the Amerindian tribes do all they can to destroy it," - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 170)
"He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare, is undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions." - Thomas Jefferson (Declaration of Independence)
"The spirits of our ancestors wake and are tormented when their graves are disturbed. So long as the remains of our ancestors are not buried within Mother Earth, the spirits are subjected to a torturous, agonizing metaphysical existence." - Josue 'Running Bear' Pacheco (White Apocalypse by Kyle Bristow, Pg. 181) (when asked why he opposes scientific testing on ancient remains)
Franz Boas, Jewish, 1858-1942, caused rise of pseudo-anthropology.
"Boas is considered the very first scientist to claim that Europeans and Africans are equal. Boas' egalitarianism caused him to attack racialist anthropologists as 'racist,' and he and his students drove them out of the profession." - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 205)
Critical Theory (Western Deconstruction)
AIPAC - American-Israel Public Affairs Committee
Pg.255-247 historical times in history (less)
The Overwhelming majority of people believe that what most now call "Native American Indians" were the first people to settle in America. Well this is not the case, and this book proves it with more than enough evidence. Columbus was not the first European to discover America, and neither was the Viking Leif Erickson, 500 years before the latter. Many ancient remains and artifacts of Aryan people have been found that pre-date the Indians proving White people roamed the lands of America far before the Indians. Now the scary part is that there are laws that allow Indians to take any findings of ancient White remains that prove this and destroy the evidence. Let me say that again. Indians are allowed to destroy or re-bury in unknown locations all of the evidence that proves Aryans are the true natives. This group is called NAGPRA which stands for Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act which was passed in 1990. This is something a lot more people need to know, and this is a book all White people need to read.
Notes & Quotes:
Signed copy available on Kyle Bristow's website:
Solutrean Theory
"Formerly no one was allowed to think freely; now it is permitted, but no one is capable of it any more. Now people want to think only what they are supposed to think, and this they consider freedom." - Oswald Spengler (The Decline of the West, 1926 A.D.)
"The Institute for American Historical Studies and some well-known archeologists have suggested that it is possible that people of the Caucasoid race made it to the Americas thousands of years before Leif Erikson and the Norse did in the eleventh century or Christopher Columbus did in the fifteenth."
"...Amerindians who came to North America from Asia by crossing the Bering Strait during the last ice age..."
"Leif Erikson, a Viking, was one European who came to North America long before Columbus did, and Erikson did so in around 1000 A.D. - we know this because the Icelandic peoples wrote of this epic journey in their sagas and we have found an actual Norse settlement in Newfoundland, Canada. The Vikings called the area 'Vinland' because of the large quantity of wild grapes growing in the areas they visited. 'Vinland' literally means 'Wine Land.' According to the Icelandic sagas, the Norse settlers were persecuted by the Amerindians - whom the Norse called 'Skraelings' - to the point where the Norse were driven from the land,"
*Pg14 & 15 - lots of info on white skeletal remains and artifacts that predate the Amerindians.
"...when a John Doe skeleton is found, forensic scientists are able to figure out the race of the person by analyzing the skull, what sex the person was by analyzing the shape of the hip, and what the age of the person was at the time of their death by analyzing factors such as skeletal development and bone density. The age of an ancient skeleton can be determined by radiocarbon dating." - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 15)
"In 1998 A.D., Theodore Schurr, a molecular anthropologist, found in his study that Amerindians have a gene found in their mitochodrial DNA - which people inherit from their mother - that occurs in low frequencies. Europeans are the only other racial group that has this gene, and because modern Asians lack this gene, this genetic evidence implies that the prehistoric European peoples brought this gene with them to the New World and it found its way into the Amerindian populations by interracial reproduction." - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 17)
Book: Life Among the Paiutes by Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins (Indians exterminating red hairs)
"Red hair is unique to the European race and occurs when a person has two copies of a recessive gene on chromosome 16; this causes a mutation in the MC1R protein and produces not only red hair but pale skin, light eye colors - like shades of blue, green, and hazel - freckles, and makes a person relatively more sensitive to sunlight."
*Negative - use of the Zionist American flag, used in the cover art, and represents the fictional institutes logo.
NAGPRA - Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (1990)
Amerindian - American Indian
Kennewick Man (White, 9,500 yrs old, 1996, Washington) (Pg. 39-41 conspiracy cover up w USACE)
Mummified body (White, 9,400 yrs old, Nevada, 'Spirit Cave', 1940, found with diamond plaited matting - too technologically advanced for Amerindians)
Intricately woven sandals made of sagebrush (1938, Fork Rock Cave, 9,000 yrs old - vastly different from Amerindians)
Wizard Beach Man (Pyramid Lake, Nevada, 9,200 yrs old, White traits)
Peñon Woman III (2002, 13,000 yrs old, similar to prehistoric Whites, rediscovered in Mexico City's National Museum of Anthropology) The CNN article refuse to use the word 'White' and the articles from the telegraph UK did but is now gone.
Buhl Woman (Buhl, Idaho, 10,600 yrs old, nearly complete skeleton, 17-21 years old, 5'2" tall - no genetic testing because of NAGPRA, buried in secret location)
USACE - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
"remains as Native American when found within the United States would apply even to remains as old as 100,000 or 150,000 years, close to the dawn of Homo sapiens. Indeed the government at oral argument even said that if remains of a mythical first man and woman, an "Adam and Eve," were found in the United States, those remains would be "Native American" under the government's interpretation of NAGPRA." - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 43)
*Fossilized human bones (1915, Vero Beach, Florida) (buried in same layer of sediment associated with era of the Wisconsin glaciation period, 10,000 years ago. Image of a mammoth etched on a bone.) (DISAPPEARED before carbon dating invented) pg. 46
*Carbon-dating testing invented 1947
"...if humans migrated to the New World from the Orient by crossing the Bering Strait, then why is the oldest evidence of human habitation on the eastern coast? The answer to this question is that humans first migrated to the New World from Europe - this is why the oldest human settlements are on the eastern coast of the United States." - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 47)
"Who gives the police the authorization to deal with scum? Why does a badge on a person's chest make them so special? Why cannot our people rise up and properly deal with degenerates when it is beyond question that they are guilty of heinous crimes?" - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 51)
"The media makes a concerted effort to limit what news of which we see, hear, and read," - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 52)
"I purchased gold and silver coins. I eventually moved into this cabin, and whenever I need to buy something, I sell a couple coins for cash at a pawnshop. The coins retain their value and since I am not using credit cards, my whereabouts are not known to anyone." - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 52)
*This book mentions a ton of other books during the semi-fictional story, these are a few of them...
Book: The Battle that Stopped Rome
Book: The Might of the West by Lawrence R. Brown
Book: The Suicide of the West by James Burnham
Book: Thucydides' The History of the Peloponnesian War
Book: Dantes Divine Comedy
Book: The Origins of Races by Dr. Carleton Stevens Coon (1962)
Book: Race and Reason: A Yankee View by Carleton Putnam
"Liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide."
"...the tenets of liberalism - craving egalitarianism, adherence to moral relativism, acceptance of perversion, promotion of wealth redistribution, opposition to the natural law right of self-defense, and hatred of nationalism..." - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 61)
Ötzi the Iceman (5,000 yrs old, found between Austria and Italy, Ötz Valley, Europes oldest natural mummy. Bronze Axe, sophisticated clothes for that era, stomach contents show agriculture.)
"You know how in life you meet people you shouldn't fuck with? I'm one of those people."
"Not only did prehistoric whites travel to the Americas, but they also traveled to Africa, Asia, and India. In each of these locales, just as in the Americas, they were utterly destroyed by the non-whites."
Western China, Takla Makan Desert, white people lived there as recently as 1500 B.C., 1977 A.D. 3,500 year old remains, reddish blonde hair, round eyes, relatively long noses. (pg. 126-127) pants with human face drawings with blue eyes, over 1,000 bodies found, red Chinese gov ordered all scientific exploration ceased. It did.
Chinese folklore tells of people with white racial traits.
"An eye for an eye." - Hammurabi
(1763 B.C.)
"The genes that produce white racial features - white skin color, blond and red hair colors, blue and green eye colors - are recessive, which means that if a person has genes from a white parent and one from a non-white parent, their phenotype - their racial characteristics - will resemble the non-white parent more than it will the white parent. Non-white genes are dominant, and over time, the white genes in a population will completely disappear through intermarriages," - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 130)
Egyptians White, red and blonde hair drawings and mummies. Wiped out through diversity, Egyptians using non-whites for labor. King Tut White. Egyptian Gov hides DNA testing. Oldest and largest pyramid in Bosnia. Canary island pyramids. Pg. 131-135
More info: http://www.white-history.com/hwr6b.htm
COINTELPRO - acronym for Counter Intelligence Program. Unit under the FBI to infiltrate organizations. Illegal activities.
The MIAC Report - Missouri Information Analysis Center. Those who dislike the United Nations, the New World Order, gun control, the federal reserve, the IRS, the North American Union, abortion, and illegal immigration were considered 'high-priority threats' or 'domestic terrorists.'
Virginia, spearheads, 17,000 yrs old, same as European. Bifacial.
"In Aztec folklore, their god, Quetzalcoatl, had European features such as light colored hair, blue eyes, and a beard. According to their legends, this deity traveled from across the Atlantic Ocean and had taught the Amerindians how to farm corn and build structures - like pyramids," - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 165)
Thor Heyerdahl
Kensington Runestone
"Whenever a prehistoric skeleton is found in North America that is determined to have white racial features, the Amerindian tribes do all they can to destroy it," - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 170)
"He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare, is undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions." - Thomas Jefferson (Declaration of Independence)
"The spirits of our ancestors wake and are tormented when their graves are disturbed. So long as the remains of our ancestors are not buried within Mother Earth, the spirits are subjected to a torturous, agonizing metaphysical existence." - Josue 'Running Bear' Pacheco (White Apocalypse by Kyle Bristow, Pg. 181) (when asked why he opposes scientific testing on ancient remains)
Franz Boas, Jewish, 1858-1942, caused rise of pseudo-anthropology.
"Boas is considered the very first scientist to claim that Europeans and Africans are equal. Boas' egalitarianism caused him to attack racialist anthropologists as 'racist,' and he and his students drove them out of the profession." - Kyle Bristow (White Apocalypse, Pg. 205)
Critical Theory (Western Deconstruction)
AIPAC - American-Israel Public Affairs Committee
Pg.255-247 historical times in history (less)
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